Don’t Limit Yourself To Just The USA When There’s A Whole Other Market Up North

While many Americans who think of the north immediately think of the USA’s most northern state, Alaska, the reality is that an entire other country, with its own culture, language, customs, and market, lies between the continental United States and its northernmost territory. Canada, as a territory, is as old as the United States, though it wasn’t formally recognized as a founded nation until the mid-19th century.
Today, however, Canada shares the longest undefended border of any country with the USA. As the “neighbor to the north,” it has supported and cooperated with the USA. However, for many businesses in the USA, Canada also represents one of the closest and easiest international markets to access and provides many business and charity opportunities for those willing to look beyond the borders of the American border and venture into international territory. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is ready to help any business or organization access the Canadian market.

Why Canada?

For many American businesses and organizations, Canada is one of the most logical destinations for taking the first tentative steps into international business expansion. There are several reasons why it’s a contender, including:


One of the most obvious reasons to consider Canada as the first international market is distance. Simply put, with the exception of Mexico, no other country is as close to the United States as Canada, to the point where it is possible for citizens of either size to accidentally enter the other country through forest trails and other lightly monitored border areas.
This is especially important for businesses that sell retail products, as Canada is a well-established logistics chain with the United States. Compared to other countries, shipping products across the border to Canada is much simpler and faster than putting them on ships bound to cross the Pacific or Atlantic or investing even more money in air shipping. Only Canada and Mexico allow land shipping by motor vehicle or railway.


Canada is much easier to market to than other countries around the world for the simple fact that American businesses do not have to have fluency in another language to sell products or services. While it is true that Canada is officially bilingual, the bilingual requirement for products and services only applies to those businesses operating within Canada.
Marketing a product or service to Canadian consumers or businesses means that English is sufficient. If there is a desire to move into Francophone territories such as the province of Quebec, where French is the dominant spoken and written language, then French fluency will be required. However, Canada’s English fluency saves both time and effort regarding language considerations for marketing.


Another area where Canada proves simpler and more feasible for marketing is cultural similarities. In addition to the same language, and values, a parallel democratic political system and even shared popular culture are all part of the fabric of Canadian society, to the point where both countries usually share the same slang, brand names, and viral memes.
For marketing purposes, especially for copywriting in email and direct mail marketing, little adjustment is required to make American marketing suitable for Canadian consumption. The only concessions that need to be made are relatively minor, such as using British spelling for some words and substituting the metric system of measurement rather than Imperial. In most other ways, however, American culture and marketing are easily compatible with Canadians.

The CAN-SPAM Factor

One important thing to note about marketing to Canada is that while direct mail is subject to similar laws and regulations as the United States, things are different regarding digital marketing. The United States has rules in place known as “CAN-SPAM,” which stands for “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing.” These are the laws that govern how digital marketing, like email, should be formatted and what features, such as the ability for a consumer to opt-out and unsubscribe, are to be included in digital marketing.
Canada has its own set of regulations, known as Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, or CASL, which was implemented in 2014 to fight electronic spam, whether that was aggressive marketing or malicious hacking attempts like disguising viruses, and aggressively enforced these regulations. The result was that Canada went from having seven of the top 100 spamming groups to having none by 2019. This also means that proper formatting and consent are important aspects of sending digital marketing to Canadians. While there is some similarity with American CAN-SPAM regulations, some CASL regulations are unique to the country and must be kept in mind when conducting digital marketing efforts in the country.

Marketing Databases For Every Need

Different businesses will have unique needs based on the product or service they want to sell. Because of this, it’s not efficient to take a “scorched earth” approach and market a product to every single person or business available. This is not cost-effective and, in terms of results, does not produce a high response rate. For example, selling elliptical exercise machinery to a disabled consumer who uses a wheelchair is a poor use of money, time, and effort since this customer does not, and will never, have a use for such a product. It is better to aim products at the portion of the consumer demographic that is interested in them. For example, selling video game accessories to a video game enthusiast will garner a much higher rate of interest, response, and potential sales than someone with no interest at all.
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing has an array of databases internally collected, acquired from trusted vendors, and accessible through alliances with partners to provide a huge range of different demographics and contact points. This makes it possible to access the Canadian market along three specific vectors. They are:


Like the United States, Canada is a vast nation, even bigger than the USA, stretching from one ocean coast to another. However, unlike the United States, it is divided into only ten provinces and two territories. Contact details are available nationwide, but it is also possible to scope down the marketing ambition to specific regions or provinces, which may make more sense for certain marketing plans.
Listings are available for a regional approach, such as targeting only the western provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, the central provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, or focusing primarily on the larger, older eastern provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The Maritime provinces are also available, such as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland, or, for more northern-based marketing, the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and the province of Nunavut can be targeted.


If you product or service is more retail-focused, you can get access to Canadian consumers all over the country. Whether you aim for an urban or rural audience, they are there, and it’s just a matter of reaching them. Many different products and services can translate over from the United States to Canada, including:

Cannabis Accessories

Unlike the United States, Canada has legalized cannabis at the Federal level. While businesses in the United States cannot export cannabis products to Canada, Cannabis accessories and other associated products can be offered to Canadian consumers nationwide.

Winter Products

Unlike the United States, which only has to worry about colder winters in the northern part of the nation, most of Canada experiences cold, freezing winters. This makes the interest in winter wear, winter tires, and winter home maintenance tools a constant concern in the country.

Free Trial




2022 Canada Consumer Data Base


21,000,000 Records

Postel Certified

Accuracy Extreme

Fast Same Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

2022 US Business Database


1.8 Million Records

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Extreme

Fast Same Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

 Canada Cell Phone Database Millon


10 Million Records

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Extreme

Fast Same Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

2022 Canada Linked In


11 Million Records

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Extreme

Fast Same Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

Free Trial



Your Text

Your Text

2022 Canada Gamblers 


50,000 Call List

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Certified

Highly  Active and Highly Responsive

Fast Same-Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

Canada Uber Lyft Driver


310,510 Mail List

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Certified

Highly  Active and Highly Responsive

Fast Same-Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

Canada CBD Buyers


2 Million Records

100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Certified

Highly  Active and Highly Responsive

Fast Same-Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL

Canada Donors



100% Telephone & Email Verified

Accuracy Certified

Highly  Active and Highly Responsive

Fast Same-Day Delivery

Format CSV or SQL


Like the United States, Canada has an active retail environment where people purchase clothing for many reasons. Whether you offer fashionable items for looking good on the street, or practical protective wear for industrial or commercial purposes, the market is there, just like in the USA.

Health Supplements

Similar to Americans, many Canadians are also concerned with maintaining good health. Vitamins and other health supplements can be important for this, so many Canadians are receptive to offers of health supplements that can assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Online Gambling

Like in the United States, many Canadians have an active interest in gambling. Canadians regularly visit casinos, bet on horse races, and even use apps and services to bet on sporting events. Gambling services offered to Canadians will receive as much interest as they would if provided to Americans.

These are just a few of the many products and services that can be marketed to Canadians. There are many, many, more.

Business To Business

Like in the United States, many Canadian businesses must be smart about how they grow and expand, which means being selective about their vendors when it comes to commercial or industrial-grade products and services. B2B transactions can be extremely lucrative because most businesses want high-quality products or services and are willing to pay for them in volume.
However, reaching the right decision-makers for a business can be just as challenging in Canada as in the United States. One of the biggest issues is saving time and finding the right person to talk to who can make the decisions about engaging a vendor for a product or service. Calling a company’s general phone line or general email contact is a very slow, indirect way to market a product or service. There is still a need to go through the “chain of command” before finally reaching the relevant decision-maker. Therefore it is more time and cost-effective for B2B marketing to have access to the contact details of the corporate decision-maker rather than spending time and effort tracking them down. This is where Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing can play a pivotal role. The available databases provide contacts for specific staff and management and are not just general contact details that could be easily acquired through cursory Internet research.

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing Has The Experience

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing started as an idea conceived by a disabled veteran who wanted to create a 100% American-based business. Having completed the obligations of military service, it was decided to move in a different direction, rather than defense, that of growth, specifically economic. The economic growth would be for the country’s good, helping the economy grow by assisting businesses to increase the most important of resources, their client or customer base. The company started as a small, local Las Vegas business, but a consistent commitment to quality and customer service brought steady growth. Today, the company proudly boasts a loyal staff with over 50 years of combined industry experience in the marketing and promotions sector.
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing first entered the marketing industry, specializing in traditional direct mail marketing. This was at a time when digital marketing was still in the early concept stages. However, many expected it to eventually be a disruptive element, the same as it had been for shopping, music, and publishing. However, the company’s direct mail experience unintentionally created valuable skill sets in data collecting, organization, and analytics. When digital showed potential in marketing faster than many had anticipated, this created a void for companies to offer digital marketing services. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing rapidly pivoted, integrating and offering digital marketing services that gave it an early mover advantage and yielded significant gains for the company and its clients.
As the company grew, it expanded its services beyond its initial range of just the hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. It spread to the remainder of the continental United States, eventually serving even Alaska and Hawaii. Then it offered complete continental service, granting access to the remaining North American markets in Canada and Mexico. It can now also serve businesses ready to go international, letting clients cross the Atlantic and enter markets in the European Union like France.

How We Can Help

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is ready to provide the databases that customers need. The marketing data can be filtered through numerous categories, with one of the most important being geography. Contact details are available for nationwide campaigns. However, as with Canadian database requests, these campaign ranges can be narrowed. Regional campaigns, like targeting only New England, can be easily accommodated. Marketing efforts can be further narrowed and even localized to a specific state, such as Maine, allowing local businesses or political organizations to hone in one particular neighborhood, such as targeting only the residents of Tree Streets in Bangor, Maine.
Thanks to big data analytics, the other crucial element of the databases is the ability to provide contact lists based on demographic breakdowns or other metrics clients require. Contacts are much more than just reception points for direct or email; they are people with their own characteristics and preferences. The metrics can be provided according to a range of determining factors, like ethnicity if a campaign would be of more interest to Asian-Americans, or religious affiliation if a product or service would be of significant interest to the Evangelical community. Economic sorting can also be used if something responds better to the upper-middle-class demographic, for example. It’s even possible to market to consumers with specific ailments, such as people with asthma, allowing for more specificity and resulting in more interest, engagement, and response.

The Contact Formats You Want

Databases with contact points in the formats most closely aligned with client goals are provided. Direct mail offers physical mailing addresses for general consumers and businesses for B2B marketing purposes. For digital marketing, email addresses are provided with private individuals for consumer needs and specific corporate email addresses for B2B. Again, these are not general contact email addresses, but specific decision-makers to save time and have more impact. Other marketing strategies may rely on conversational interactions, so telephone numbers are provided for these plans. The phone numbers made available are residential numbers in the case of general consumer marketing. For the B2B level, similar to email, the relevant decision-maker, not the less efficient receptionist or general corporate number, is provided. Cellular phone numbers can also be supplied for those marketing strategies relying on text/SMS promotional strategies.
Additional special services are also available if the client requests them. For example, some businesses may be interested in the hands-on management of a direct mail marketing campaign but feel reluctant to do so due to a lack of experience. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing offers a turnkey direct mail solution. This guided service shepherds clients through each step of the direct mail process. It starts at the planning stage with concepts, designs, and final approval, moves to create marketing materials and printing, and then finally, distribution, using the appropriate databases and delivery method. Everything happens under one roof, eliminating the normal need to source and vet different vendors at each stage of the process. A turnkey email marketing service is also available for companies interested in taking the digital route who are interested in learning and managing this new and important marketing technique.
So if you have a product, service, charity, or marketing venture that you want to bring to the Canadian market, we can help. Contact Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing for the leads that can make a difference.